Kagami-biraki Event 2022At the beginning of the New Year, we hold a Kagami-biraki ceremony and Hatsu-geiko*. This ceremony is being held at the HQ Dojo in Tokyo and will be broadcast to the world. We wish you a happy new year and let’s have a good beginning of the year together through doing the Hatsu-geiko together.
* Hatsu-geiko: the first practice of the year at the start of the new year.
Sunday, 9th of January, from 09:30 to 11:00 Japan Standard Time
[Content of the Ceremony]
Praying ceremony for completion of training (purification of the spirit, prayer, New Year speech of Shinichi Tohei sensei, announcement of Dan promotion, awarding of diplomas)
Aikido Hatsu-geiko by Shinichi Tohei sensei
[Broadcast Language]
The ceremony will be conducted entirely in Japanese.
[Participation fee ]
1,000 yen
[2 options for the payment]
A: Chief Instructor/Head Instructor counts the number of participants from the group and pay the total amount soon after the event.
B: Each participants pay by their own credit card before the event.
*If you would like to choose A, you do not need to complete this online credit card payment. Please contact the Headquarters by email to apply.
[How to apply]
1.Enter your email address and your name, Dojo name which you belong to. After your registration we will send you an email with instructions from the Head Quarters.
2.Agree and tick the box.
3.Confirm your payment method and proceed to the next screen to pay.
Before confirming, please check the input contents again and click the "Send" button. |